
Cloudflare 域名转发邮箱试用申请通过了


The wait is over!

Your zone has now access to the Email Routing Beta. You can access Email Routing in the Cloudflare dashboard. Select your account and zone, and click Email.

You can create as many custom email addresses as you want for your domain. Emails will be delivered to the mailbox of your choice (like Gmail, Outlook, or your work email address).

We strive to make the enrollment and usage as straightforward as possible, so please share your feedback with us on the community forum.

Enjoy the beta!

The Cloudflare Team

从 Cloudflare 官网来看,是转发邮箱

Email Routing

Create custom email addresses for your domain and route incoming emails to your preferred mailbox.



也就是说,只能收邮件【转发到你自己的已有邮箱中】,不能发邮件,但是有 Catch-all 功能,这个很强大,也是我所需要的,于我而言,Cloudflare 域名转发邮箱目前的功能够用了

购买 Google Voice 靓号 / GV 靓号

3 评论

  1. 发邮件的话可以用网易代发实现.
    不过现在email route还是beta阶段,最近几天就炸了,收不到邮件.

  2. 我的咋域名添加上去就可以用这个功能呢?没有申请过

    1. 这么神奇?难道是公测了?

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