苹果开发者计划 / Apple Developer Program 公司账号申请成功了
历经万苦千辛,终于申请成功了苹果开发者计划 / Apple Developer Program 公司账号,因为走的是公益非营利组织流程,所以一并申请了会费豁免,并且通过了,也就是说不用交每年 99 美元 / USD 的会员费了,你就说,爽不爽???
- 在 App Store 上分发付费 App 或所分发的 App 中含有 App 内购买项目的组织。
- Apple Developer Enterprise Program 会员。
- 个人和独资企业/一人公司。
会费豁免具体请看:Apple Developer Program 会员资格费用豁免
Dear Google,Review now. Best regards, Apple Developer Relations
Your enrollment request has been accepted. You may now review the Program License Agreement to continue your organization’s enrollment in the Apple Developer Program.
Hello Google,
Thank you for joining the Apple Developer Program. We’re thrilled to support your work as you bring your ideas to life! As a developer program member, you have access to a comprehensive set of resources to build, test, and distribute innovative apps for Apple platforms.
To start using your membership, sign in with your Apple ID.
Dear Google Voice,
You now have access to App Store Connect, a suite of tools for managing apps sold on the App Store. Use the Apple ID associated with your Apple developer account to sign in.
For information about using App Store Connect, see App Store Connect Help.
If you have any questions, contact us.
Best regards,
The App Store Team
Auto-Renew Membership
Automatically renewing your annual membership ensures that your apps will remain available for sale, and that you will maintain access to membership benefits.
虽然苹果开发者计划 / Apple Developer Program 公司账号申请成功了,但是我也不知道拿来做什么,只能吃灰先了!!!
苹果开发者计划 / Apple Developer Program 官方帮助文档